1) Identity Management (facilitated by Bert Bee-Lindgren and Justin Filoseta)
Will promote the exchange of information and suggestions about all facets of identity management. Emphasis is on representations of people and groups in IT-facing systems. Current examples of technologies in this area include Mage, GTED, GRS, Grouper, GTAD, BuzzAPI. This is a community users group intended to discuss campus needs in identity, existing solutions and best practices, and possible service changes. Will also include periodic “help desk” time for answering questions in this area.
2) Professional Development (facilitated by OneIT steering committee)
Will be led directly by members the OneIT Steering Committee — this is because the topic is broad and generally applicable across the IT community. The goal for this interest group is to develop a set of recommended practices for promoting professional development for members of the IT community. This will include an “IT 101” on-boarding curriculum to address the perennial complaint that new members of the IT community are often left on their own to discover available services and how to use them. It will also include periodic brown bags for outside experts to come to GT to discuss emerging technologies, as well as exploring ways to extend professional development opportunities to all of the IT community.
3) Software Engineering and Development Methodologies (facilitated by Stephen Garrett)
This interest group will start by sharing and discussing a specific kind of software engineering technique: continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). CI refers to the practice of merging code changes in developer working copies very frequently; CD refers to the practice of building, testing, and releasing software faster and more frequently. Tools associated with these practices include Github, TeamCity, Jenkins, Octopus Deploy, and the like. After starting with CI/CD, others may want to bring related topics for discussion — other software development or engineering methodologies, for example.
4) Web Leadership (facilitated by Eric Sembrat and Michael Sheldon)
Broadly, this interest group will focus on two areas: 1) provide peer-to-peer general help for the web community around campus; 2) discuss, experiment, share approaches to adopting newer web technologies. Examples of the first might include: sharing code; channeling questions to appropriate resources; promoting awareness of available services and technologies. The second will likely include keeping tabs on peer institutions for shared awareness of web trends in higher ed.
5) OneIT Book Club (facilitated by Gabe Vannice)
The OneIT Reading group meets monthly for book discussions. Reading lists can be found at:
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